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« Stage 09Return to Tour de France 2011 Live DashboardStage 11 »

Stage 10 Preview
and Results

Categorized Climbs for Stage 10:
Km Climb Length Grade Max Cat Google Earth Streetview
62.5Côte de Figeac2.3 km6 %n/a3 3D Tour Streetview
70.5Côte de Loupiac2.5 km4.1 %n/a4 3D Tour Streetview
99.5Côte de Villefranche-de-Rouergue4.1 km5.9 %n/a3 3D Tour Streetview
143Côte de Mirandol-Bourgnounac3.9 km4.1 %n/a4 3D Tour Streetview

Stage 10: AurillacCarmaux
Date: Tuesday, July 12
Distance: 158 km
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View Stage 10 in Google Earth (kml file) or Export the Stage 10 GPX file

Stage 10 start time: Tuesday 13:40 CET (11:40:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Aurillac, France
Earliest live video: 14:00 CET (12:00:00 PM GMT+0000); Live/delayed coverage options
Approximate finish: 17:20 CET (3:20:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Carmaux, France

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Stage 10 preview: Aurillac → Carmaux, 158 km (lumpy)

The peloton will cross this river literally known as Le Viaur to start the final of four modest climbs on stage 10, Cote de Mirandol Bourgounac

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July 11 post: The Tour resumes on Tuesday will a pleasant, rolling-hilly stage meandering south from Aurillac to Carmaux, a small town just north of Albi in the Tarn/Cévennes region. More generally, the finish is northeast of Toulouse. Along the way to Carmaux, until recently a coal mining town and now a first time Tour host, are four minor categorized climbs along rivers on quiet back roads which, as usual, you can explore above in google earth and streetview.

There are numerous twists including two sharp turns leading into the slightly downhill finish in Carmaux. HTC-Highroad will be chasing to setup a sprint finish while Europcar defends its first day with the Yellow Jersey. The undulating and twisting roads of this stage will favor a break. — Steve

Stage 10 Analysis with Bernard Hinault (00:55 English)letourdefrance