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Stage Races Classics
Paris-Roubaix 2015 Live Dashboard
Race Info, Preview, Live Video, Results, Photos and Highlights

Paris-Roubaix is the third monument of the cycling season and considered by many the best, most exciting race in cycling. 2015 Hell of the North race info and updates covering every aspect of the event are posted below.

2015 Paris-Roubaix Teams
Team Rosters and Withdrawals
Group riders by: or

  4MAES  NikolasBEL
  5STYBAR  ZdenekCZE

  12ARNDT  NikiasGER
  15DE KORT  KoenNED
  18TIMMER  AlbertNED

  21KRISTOFF  AlexanderNOR
  23HALLER  MarcoAUT
  24KUZNETSOV  ViacheslavRUS
  26PORSEV  AlexanderRUS
  27SELIG  RudigerGER
  29ISAYCHEV  VladimirRUS

  31SAGAN  PeterSVK
  32BODNAR  MaciejPOL
  34BRUTT  PavelRUS
  35JUUL JENSEN  ChristopherDEN
  36MORKOV  MichaelDEN
  37TOSATTO  MatteoITA
  38TRUSOV  NikolayRUS

  42FLENS  RickNED
  43LEEZER  ThomasNED
  47WAGNER  RobertGER
  48WYNANTS  MaartenBEL

  51WIGGINS  BradleyGBR
  52EISEL  BernhardAUT
  53FENN  AndrewGBR
  54KNEES  ChristianGER
  55PUCCIO  SalvatoreITA
  56ROWE  LukeGBR
  58THOMAS  GeraintGBR

  63DRUCKER  Jean-PierreLUX
  64KUENG  StefanSUI
  65OSS  DanielITA
  67SCHÄR  MichaelSUI
  68ZABEL  RickGER

  71DEMARE  ArnaudFRA
  72BONNET  WilliamFRA
  74DELAGE  MickaelFRA
  75FISCHER  Murilo AntonioBRA
  76LADAGNOUS  MatthieuFRA

  81BOOM  LarsNED
  83BOZIC  BorutSLO
  84DE VREESE  LaurensBEL
  86GRUZDEV  DmitriyKAZ
  88WESTRA  LieuweNED

  93POPOVYCH  YaroslavUKR
  94RAST  GrégorySUI
  97STUYVEN  JasperBEL

  101HAYMAN  MathewAUS
  103BLYTHE  AdamGBR
  104DOCKER  MitchellAUS
  107MOURIS  JensNED
  108NIELSEN  Magnus CortDEN

  112BAGDONAS  GediminasLTU
  114GAUDIN  DamienFRA
  115GOUGEARD  AlexisFRA
  116HOULE  HugoCAN
  117MINARD  SébastienFRA
  118TURGOT  SébastienFRA
  120JAUREGUI  QuentinFRA

  121GREIPEL  AndréGER
  122BAK  Lars YttingDEN
  123BENOOT  TiesjBEL
  125DE BIE  SeanBEL
  128SIEBERG  MarcelGER

  131POZZATO  FilippoITA
  132BONIFAZIO  NiccoloITA
  133CIMOLAI  DavideITA
  134FENG  Chun KaiTPE
  135MORI  ManueleITA
  138RICHEZE  Maximiliano ArielARG

  141CHAVANEL  SylvainFRA
  142BRANDLE  MatthiasAUT
  143ELMIGER  MartinSUI
  144HAUSSLER  HeinrichAUS
  145KLUGE  RogerGER
  146PINEAU  JérômeFRA
  147SARAMOTINS  AleksejsLAT

  151LANGEVELD  SebastianNED
  152BAUER  JackNZL
  153HANSEN  Lasse NormanDEN
  154KOREN  KristijanSLO
  156SKJERPING  KristofferNOR

  161SENECHAL  FlorianFRA
  163JOEAAR  GertEST
  164LEMOINE  CyrilFRA
  165PETIT  AdrienFRA
  166VAN BILSEN  KennethBEL
  167VAN STAEYEN  MichaelBEL
  168VENTURINI  ClémentFRA

  171FARRAR  TylerUSA
  172BOS  TheoNED
  174CIOLEK  GeraldGER
  175GOSS  Matthew HarleyAUS
  177STAUFF  AndreasGER
  178THOMSON  Jay RobertRSA

  182BOULO  MatthieuFRA
  183BRUN  FrédéricFRA
  184JARRIER  BenoitFRA
  185LABORIE  ChristopheFRA
  187MCLAY  DanielGBR
  188PERICHON  Pierre-LucFRA

  191WALLAYS  JelleBEL
  193NAESEN  OliverBEL
  195STEELS  StijnBEL
  196THEUNS  EdwardBEL

  202BERNAUDEAU  GiovanniFRA
  203DUCHESNE  AntoineCAN
  204GENE  YohannFRA
  205JEROME  VincentFRA
  207MARTINEZ  YannickFRA
  208MORICE  JulienFRA

  212ANTONINI  SimoneITA
  213BACKAERT  FrederikBEL
  216MARCATO  MarcoITA

  222GADRET  JohnFRA
  224MALORI  AdrianoITA
  225ROJAS GIL  Jose JoaquinESP
  226SANZ  EnriqueESP
  228VENTOSO ALBERDI  Francisco JoséESP

  232DEMPSTER  ZakkariAUS
  233MATZKA  RalfGER
  234PFINGSTEN  ChristophGER
  237THURAU  BjornGER

  241BAZZANA  AlessandroITA
  242FÖRSTER  RobertGER
  243FRATTINI  DavideITA
  244JONES  ChristopherUSA
  245MURPHY  JohnUSA
  246PUTT  TannerUSA
  248ZURLO  FedericoITA

  Printable Startlist

News and Updates for Paris-Roubaix 2015

Live Wednesday,
2015 De Brabantse Pijl Live (1.HC BEL): race info, startlist, broadcasters

Paris-Roubaix Post-Race Coverage

57 Big Photos from Paris-Roubaix 2015sirotti
Paris-Roubaix 2015 Results
1  DEGENKOLB, John (TGA)        5:49:51
2  STYBAR, Zdenek (EQS)         
3  VAN AVERMAET, Greg (BMC)     
4  BOOM, Lars (AST)             
5  ELMIGER, Martin (IAM)        
6  KEUKELEIRE, Jens (OGE)       
7  LAMPAERT, Yves (EQS)          +    7
8  ROWE, Luke (SKY)              +   28
9  DEBUSSCHERE, Jens (LTS)       +   29
10 KRISTOFF, Alexander (KAT)     +   31
11 VANMARCKE, Sep (TLJ)         
12 DE BACKER, Bert (TGA)        
13 SARAMOTINS, Aleksejs (IAM)   
14 BOZIC, Borut (AST)           
15 TERPSTRA, Niki (EQS)         
16 SCHILLINGER, Andreas (BOA)   
17 SENECHAL, Florian (COF)      
18 WIGGINS, Bradley (SKY)       
19 LEUKEMANS, Björn (WGG)       
20 RAST, Grégory (TFR)          
21 ROELANDTS, Jurgen (LTS)      
22 MARCATO, Marco (WGG)         
23 SAGAN, Peter (TCS)           
24 DE VREESE, Laurens (AST)      + 1:38
25 BACKAERT, Frederik (WGG)     
26 GOUGEARD, Alexis (ALM)       
27 SINKELDAM, Ramon (TGA)        + 2:21
28 GREIPEL, André (LTS)          + 2:55
29 MORKOV, Michael (TCS)        
30 DE TROYER, Tim (WGG)         
31 DE KORT, Koen (TGA)          
32 OFFREDO, Yoann (FDJ)         
33 VANDENBERGH, Stijn (EQS)     
34 QUINZIATO, Manuel (BMC)      
35 BAK, Lars Ytting (LTS)       
36 SIEBERG, Marcel (LTS)         + 2:58
37 DEMARE, Arnaud (FDJ)          + 3:21
38 JARRIER, Benoit (BSE)        
39 VAN ASBROECK, Tom (TLJ)      
40 MARTINEZ, Yannick (EUC)       + 3:24
Full Official 2015
Degenkolb wins Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Roubaix Riders have near-miss with TGVvelonews
John Degenkolb wins Paris-Roubaix after Bradley Wiggins threat fadestheguardian
Degenkolb wins Paris-Roubaix from 7-rider sprintvelonews
Roubaix'15: Dynamite Degenkolb!pezcyclingnews
Greg van Avermaet : 'Content de ma course' (01:18 French)cyclismactu
Zdenek Stybar Post Race Interview (01:02 English)cyclismactu
Martin Elmiger: 'Les classiques me réussissent' (00:51 French)cyclismactu
No sanction for riders who broke level crossing at Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Wiggins bids Team Sky adieu at Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Wiggins ends Sky career with guns blazing in Paris-Roubaixvelonews
Vanmarcke's Spring Classics campaign marred by bad luckcyclingnews
Van Avermaet satisfied with third at Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Stybar: Degenkolb was the strongest in Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Lampaert best young Belgian rider in Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Degenkolb: It was all or nothing in Paris-Roubaix finalecyclingnews
Broken shifter spoils Sagan's chances at Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Angry Vansummeren: I should have kicked Breschelcyclingquotes
Rowe signals Classics leader potential as Wiggins bows outcyclingtips
Luke Rowe 8th in Roubaix, a sign of things to comecyclingweekly
From Sanremo to Roubaix, Degenkolb makes historyvelonews
Fantastic top 5 for Elmiger in Roubaixcyclingquotes
Boom: I have shown that I am still therecyclingquotes
Zdenek Stybar Post Race Interview (01:22 English)CyclingProNet
Greg Van Avermaet Post Race Interview (01:42 Dutch)CyclingProNet
Greg Van Avermaet Post Race Interview (01:21 French)CyclingProNet
Alexander Kristoff Post Race Interview (00:43 English)CyclingProNet
Retour sur le 1er Paris-Roubiax de Tiesj Benoot (02:35 French)rtbf
The bikes and tech of Paris-Roubaix 2015cyclingtips
Degenkolb on Roubaix success: “Now was the moment…all or nothing”cyclingtips
Train company files police complaint after Paris-Roubaix riders jump crossingcyclingweekly
Last Km (1:50 Dutch)sporza
Last Km (03:05 English)nbcsports
Last Km (01:14 French)francetv
Ultimo Chilometro (01:35 Italian)rai
Nice shot. Rider throws a bidon through an open window (00:09 Ambient Noise)vine
Winner's Interview (02:49 English)nbcsports
Winner's Interview (01:56 English)CyclingProNet
Another Interview with the Winner (00:54 English/Dutch)sporza
Another Interview with the winner (01:16 English)cyclismactu
Podium Ceremony (02:10 English)nbcsports
Winner and his team celebrate on the podium (01:00 Ambient Noise)sporza
Lefevere: 'Het was de koers van de lafheid' (01:58 Dutch)sporza
Christian Prudhomme Post Race: 'XXX ? Ce n'est pas une surprise' (01:08 French)cyclismactu
Local Report from the Arenberg (01:26 Dutch)focus-wtv
Brief Highlights (00:40 Ambient Noise)eitb
Paris-Roubaix - Recap (05:45 English)
Verslag/Highlights (04:03 Dutch)sporza
Paris Roubaix winning moment (03:09 English, restricted to Australia)sbs
Dinner Celebration: Winner toasts his team (01:31 English/Dutch)sporza
57 Big Photos from Paris-Roubaix 2015sirotti
On-demand broadcast of the final 1.5 hrs (1:30:47 French, restricted to Belgium)rtbf
Best of Paris-Roubaix 2015 (04:47 English)aso/tourdefrance
Best of Paris-Roubaix 2015 (04:47 French)aso/tourdefrance
One Minute-Highlights (01:26 English)eurosport
One Minute-Highlights (01:30 Italian)rai
Wiggins ends Sky career; Wiggins, Brailsford Interviews (04:18 English)skysports
Full John Degenkolb Post Race Press Conference (13:26 English)cyclingtips
Behind the scenes with Team Sky – Bradley Wiggins last race (03:15 English/Music)TeamSky
10 conclusions from Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
How The Race Was Won - Paris-Roubaix 2015 (04:50 English)CosmoCatalano

Clips from the start of Paris - Roubaix 2015 (01:47 Ambient Noise)CyclingProNet
139 km to go: Trouble for Trek; Devolder crash, Steegmans mech. (00:52 Dutch)sporza
134 km to go: Cobbles at Paris-Roubaix claim its next victim (00:47 English)nbcsports
117 km to go: crash; Nervositeit leidt tot een nieuwe valpartij (00:48 Dutch)sporza
114 km to go: Declercq wheel change (00:40 Dutch)sporza
98 km to go: Westra, Bos, Wallers Crash (00:14 Dutch)sporza
98 km to go: Gnarly crash sends riders toppling on the cobbles (00:47 English)nbcsports
92 km to go: Break passing through the Arenberg Forest (03:45 Dutch)sporza
92 km to go: eloton passing through the Arenberg Forest (00:13 Dutch)sporza
85 km to go: Train at crossing interferes with chasing peloton (01:21 Dutch)sporza
85 km to go: TGV Train at crossing interferes with chasing peloton (01:12 French)francetv
Disaster averted at Paris-Roubaix as race disrupted by train at level crossingtheguardian
85 km to go: Unexpected train disrupts peloton during Paris-Roubaix (01:23 English)nbcsports
82 km to go: Geraint Thomas crashes in a dusty corner (01:21 English)nbcsports
82 km to go: Thomas valt en is weer op achtervolgen aangewezen (02:05 Dutch)sporza
52 km to go: Pozzato gets a wheel change (00:24 Dutch)sporza
52 km to go: Tempo gaat de hoogte in bij het peloton (00:28 Dutch)sporza
50 km to go: Breschel, Vansummeren slide out in dusty cobbles corner (00:30 Dutch)sporza
45 km to go: Stijn Vandenbergh attacks off the peloton (00:56 Dutch)sporza
38 km to go: Lars Bak crashes into a spectator (00:20 Dutch)sporza
38 km to go: Cyclist stumbles off cobbles, crashes into fans (01:07 English)nbcsports
35 km to go: Debusschere attacks off the peloton (00:36 English)eurosport
32 km to go: Wiggins attacks off the peloton (54 Dutch)sporza
28 km to go: Greg Van Avermaet attacks off the peloton (28 Dutch)sporza
23 km to go: Vanmarcke dropt een bommetje (01:00 Dutch)sporza
19 km to go: Roelandts off the front/ sluipt weg (00:49 Dutch)sporza
12 km to go: Lampaert valt aan en krijgt Van Avermaet mee (00:24 Dutch)sporza
11 km to go: De Backer, Degenkolb maken er een koppeltijdrit van (01:09 Dutch)sporza
3 km to go: Wiggins tries to bridge up to late break (00:20 Dutch)sporza

2015 Paris-Roubaix Thursday Recon

April 9 update:
30 Big Photos of Thursday's recon before Sunday's Paris-Roubaixsirotti
Recon: Sep Vanmarcke/ Lotto NL-Jumbo (01:44 Dutch)focus-wtv
Recon and Interviews with Vanmarcke and Kristoff (02:00 Dutch/English)sporza
Kristoff confident after Paris-Roubaix reconcyclingnews
Bikecam: Daniel Oss/BMC recon at Paris-Roubaix (03:31 Music)Daniel Oss
Alexander Kristoff Full Pre-Race Press Conference (13:36 English)cyclingtips
Montage from Thursday's Recon (01:59 Ambient Noise)CyclingProNet
Trek Factory, Topsport Recon; Devolder and Wallays Interviews (02:03 Dutch)focus-wtv
Cannondale-Garmin Paris-Roubaix Recon Ride Part #1 (01:21 English)cannondale-garmin
Cannondale-Garmin Paris-Roubaix Recon Ride Part #2 (01:42 English)cannondale-garmin

2015 Paris-Roubaix Preview

April 10/11 update:
Race Preview & Favoritesc-cycling
Paris Roubaix 2015 Preview and Predictions (10:09 English)gcn
Paris - Roubaix Preview With Jesper, David and Tiesj Benoot (22:16 English)cyclinghub
Paris-Roubaix 2015 - Part 1: Rider Interviews (07:21 English)ORICAGreenEDGE
Terpstra looks for Paris-Roubaix repeat in Boonen’s absencecyclingnews
Wiggins in no mood to dwell on past ahead of Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Merckx: Kristoff favorito per la Roubaix (01:16 Italian)rai
Bradley Wiggins Pre-Race Press Conference Interview (02:27 English)ProductiehuisEU
Interview with 21 year-old cobbles sensation Tiesj Benoot (06:21 English)cyclingtips
Technology: Lampre-Merida prepare for the cobbles (05:20 English)inCycle
Recon Ride Podcast: Paris-Roubaix 2015 Pre-race Show (42:11 English)velohuman
Etixx-QuickStep Interviews and Recon (02:11 English)Etixx_QuickStep
Team IAM Cycling riders psyched for the Hell of the North (01:15 English/Music)IAM Cycling
John Degenkolb interview before Paris - Roubaix 2015 (01:52 English)CyclingProNet
Degenkolb not afraid of Kristoff in Paris-Roubaix sprintcyclingnews
Lars Boom voor Paris - Roubaix 2015 (01:29 Dutch)CyclingProNet
Bradley Wiggins hits end of the road for Team Sky on Paris-Roubaix cobblestheguardian
Peter Sagan interview before Paris - Roubaix 2015 (00:47 English)CyclingProNet
Arnaud Démare avant Paris - Roubaix 2015 (01:15 French)CyclingProNet
Official Startlist w/ bib
Pozzato hoping to restore Italian ride at Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Team Sky Diaries Episode 5 – 24 Hours to Paris-Roubaix (02:29 English)TeamSky
Wiggins set for curtain callteamsky
Wiggins set for final bow (01:54 English)eurosport

April 9 update:
30 Big Photos of Thursday's recon before Sunday's Paris-Roubaixsirotti
Gallery: Paris-Roubaix-style tech at Scheldeprijscyclingnews
Bradley Wiggins's 'fairytale' ending at Paris-Roubaixcyclingweekly
Youngest Rider will be Tiesj Benoot: Profile and Interview (01:35 Dutch)sporza
Merci Roubaix: Bradley Wiggins on the Hell of the North, final Sky race (01:51 English)rapha
Sep Vanmarcke: 'Bad moments come and go'velonews
Kristoff sets sights on Roubaix’s velodrome. “Of course I dream”cyclingtips
Tom Boonen on why Paris-Roubaix is such a great race (01:29 English/Music)specialized
Top 10 Riders To Watch: Paris-Roubaix 2015 (04:26 English)gcn
Greipel ready to attack at Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Team Sky not favourites for Paris-Roubaix, insists Knavencyclingweekly

April 8 update:
Top 10 riders to watch (05:08 English)cyclingnewstv
The cobbles of
Roubaix'15: The PEZ Previewpezcyclingnews
Ask The Pros - Who Is The Greatest Classics Rider? (01:56 English)gcn
Stannard: Different approach for Sky at Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Expect attacking Vanmarcke in Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Stybar ready to take on Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Bell Spring Classics: Paris-Roubaix (02:10 Dutch/English)BellBikeHelmets

April 7 update:
2015 Race Promo (00:36 Music)LeTourdeFrance
Sky regroups before Wiggins’ swan song in Roubaixvelonews
27 sectors of pavé for Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Bradley Wiggins recons the cobbles with Team Sky (01:53 Dutch/English)sporza
Course Preview w/ Streetview Images (04:31 French)EmilProd
Wiggins: “There is always a fairy tale with Paris-Roubaix”cyclingtips
Sky regroups before Wiggins’ swan song in Roubaixvelonews

April 6 update:
Tom Boonen on why Paris-Roubaix is a slow killer (02:36 English)cyclingnewstv
Degenkolb confirmed to lead Giant-Alpecin at Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Paris Roubaix, un beau voyage au bout de l'enfer - Un grand reportage web de La Voix du

April 4 update:
Wiggins: Winning Roubaix would be more enjoyable than taking the Tourcyclingtips
Wiggins: Paris-Roubaix bigger than Tour de
Sean Kelly: Geraint Thomas can win Tour of Flanders and Paris-Roubaix doubletelegraph
Paris-Roubaix 2015 - Zoom sur le parcours (01:22 Music/French)cyclismactu

April 2 update:
Pinarello readies a new road bike with suspension for the cobbles (02:36 English)gazzetta
Team Sky unveil new bike for Tour of Flanders and Paris-Roubaixskysports
Démare believes in his chances at Paris-Roubaixcyclingnews
Bradley Wiggins: Paris-Roubaix was one of my childhood dream racestheguardian

April 1 update:
Lefevere rules out Tom Boonen's Paris-Roubaix returncyclingweekly

Also follow steephill on Twitter for the latest race info and video updates.
Video highlights/archived coverage from previous years
Race History with Past Winnerswikipedia
Big Photos from 2014sirotti/reuters
Big Photos from 2013sirotti/reuters
Big Photos from 2012sirotti/reuters
Big Photos from 2011sirotti/reuters
Big Photos from 2010sirotti/reuters
Big Photos from 2009sirotti
Big Photos from 2008sirotti
Paris Roubaix - Best of 2014 (05:33 English)tourdefrance
Best Of Paris-Roubaix 2013 (03:04 English)ASOCycling
Road to Roubaix Trailer HD 2008 (03:01 English)roadtoroubaix
Beautiful Slomo footage from 2011 (02:36 Music)robhodselmans

Live Video Streaming and TV Coverage

April 12 update: A work in progress for 2015 Paris-Roubaix live and delayed coverage. Most live feeds will be country restricted, but unrestricted links will appear in bold. Check back at race time for more links. Feel free to send in additional sources for live video, tv coverage or text updates/tickers as they become known. — Steve

Start time: Sun Apr 12 10:20 CET (8:20:00 AM GMT+0000); Weather for Compiegne, France
Earliest live video: 12:55 CET (10:55:00 AM GMT+0000); Race Preview
Approximate finish: 16:40 CET (2:40:00 PM GMT+0000); Weather for Roubaix, France
media source tv or internet comments/restrictions
eurosport    live videom (english)
   live videom (english)
   live videom (english)
  tv schedule (british)
  tv schedule (int'l/cet)
English/Europe; live at 12:45 CET; highlights later in the day
   live video (french)
  tv schedule
France3 TV/ France2 online: live at 12:55; likely restricted to France and other French-speaking regions.
   live video (dutch)
   live videom (dutch)
  tv schedule
Belgium/Europe; Dutch ticker for Parijs-Roubaix starts at the start and restricted live video starts 13:30 CET.
   live video (slovakian)
  tv schedule
   live video (spanish)
  tv schedule
Spanish; Teledeporte live at 14:00 CET
rtbf    live video (french)
french; live at 13:45 CET on RTBF
   live video (italian)
  tv schedule
Italian; Ciclismo Classiche del Nord Parigi Roubaix starts on RAI Sport 1 at 13:00; switches to RAI 3 at 15:05; and then back to RAI Sport 1 for the post race show
   live video (italian)
  tv schedule
Italian; Ciclismo Classiche del Nord Parigi Roubaix starts on RAI Sport 1 at 13:00; switches to RAI 3 at 15:05; and then back to RAI Sport 1 for the post race show
   live video (english)
  tv schedule
Australia: SBS will broadcast Paris-Roubaix live on Sunday 12 April: from 2130 AEST on SBS ONE for Eastern states, South Australia and Northern Territory, and from 1930 AWST on SBS2 for Western Australia. The race will also be streamed live on Cycling Central.
NOS   live video (dutch)
  tv schedule
   live video (luxembourgish)
   live video (luxemburgish)
  tv schedule
sf zwei    live video (german)
  tv schedule
Switzerland's SF Zwei live coverage at 13:30 CET with german commentary
   live video (french)
  tv schedule
Quebec/Canada via Quebec's Reseau des Sports (RDS) will be broadcasting the race live at 7:00am ET. Sébastien Boucher and Dominque Perras will be calling the race

   live video (english)
  tv schedule
New Zealand; Live video starting at 22:55 NZST
   live video (welsh)
  tv schedule
Wales/UK; live starting at 15:10 CET
 live audio
  radio schedule
Listen to live commentary of Paris-Roubaix on BBC Radio 5 live sports extra from 13:00 BST on Sunday
   live video (english)
  tv schedule(see comments)
United States; Live online at 6:55 am ET for cable subscribers; delayed next day tv coverage at 7 PM ET
official live ticker Live ticker from the official source.
 live text updates live text updates in English
 live ticker (dutch)
 live ticker (auto-english)
Belgium/Flemish ticker with updates from the start; The auto-translated English version will need manual refreshing
live text updates English; updates from Charles Pelkey
live text updates ES
The Spanish website Biciciclismo will also has the latest race updates in Spanish
 steephill text updates
updates for previews, live video, results, photos and highlights
check back at race time for more and updated links; email send a comment or a new live link

2015 Paris-Roubaix Route Map

Cobble Sectors:

2014 Paris-Roubaix Archived Coverage

2013 Paris-Roubaix Archived Coverage

2012 Paris-Roubaix Archived Coverage

2011 Paris-Roubaix Archived Coverage

2010 Paris-Roubaix Archived Coverage

2009 Paris-Roubaix Archived Coverage

2008 Paris-Roubaix Archived Coverage